Hestia ApartHotel Lux w Cluj-Napoca

RumuniaHestia ApartHotel Lux


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Calea Dorobanților 25, apartament 56, Cluj-Napoca 400117, România, Cluj-Napoca 400117, Romania
kontakt telefon: +40 729 149 592
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 46.772055, Longitude: 23.602222

komentarze 5

  • ro

    Dan Domsa


  • Constantin Ciureanu

    Constantin Ciureanu


  • Christos Psaradellis

    Christos Psaradellis


    It is an appartment fully equiped and clean in the city centre.There is also parking space and free wifi available.Good choice if you look for something different.

  • en

    Sever Alicu


  • en

    Aaron Quinley


    This was an adequate apartment in Cluj, although I felt the price was high, and was higher than a couple, similarly-located apartments I planned on booking, but were snagged up before I could finalized. A price of about $50 (USD) per night should go much farther in Romania, even in Cluj, so this was one of the most expensive places I stayed in almost a month of being in Romania. The furnishings were quite nice and the apartment was very clean. Pictures of the apartment furnishing are accurate as they are on Google, perhaps without flowers (or without as many). I had issues with the washing machine not having an outlet the plug could reach, but managed with a surge protector (extension) I brought in from another room, though it was a hassle figuring it out and the apartment manual offered no instructions on remedying the plug/outlet issue. The manager provides a nice, basic breakfast in the fridge and on the table, and the kitchen had many utensils that you would need for cooking and dispensing meals. Parking is off-street, providing the lot isn't filled up, which is nice, considering it's a pretty big city. There seemed to be no air conditioning, which is common, but not always comfortable when it's warm, especially in places like this, a few levels up. But the bedroom has large windows that can be opened; however, I was too worried about pigeons entering the room to open them up wide enough to my liking, as there were no screens. I didn't want to let a bird in there and have it trapped and make a mess. There was an oscillating fan available. The manager was also very prompt in getting back to me after I booked to arrange for me to receive a key. She was also very nice and helpful. In all I recommend this place if it's in your budget, but if you have a few days or more advance notice, you can probably find an apartment for significantly less in the city. If not, this will probably suit your needs.

najbliższy Kwatera

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