Prima Rent i București

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RumænienPrima Rent



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Strada Robescu F. Constantin, 030217, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 741 177 462
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.432502, Longitude: 26.1092732

kommentar 5

  • Mihai Slavici

    Mihai Slavici


    Easy rental, friendly staff. Thanks! I definetely recommend!

  • en

    Nathaniel Abel


    Reasonably priced, great service, English speaking, car was fine considering I got the cheapest available except splurged for the AC version. Filled the tank once and it lasted me all week. Picked the car up from my airport hotel when I was too lazy to drive into downtown for a small fee (totally worth it).

  • K Cornell

    K Cornell


    They are my favorite for Romania. I have been renting cars during my visits to Romania since 1999. I initially stuck with the big names: Hurts, Avian, Dulau, Bujet, etc. (if you notice the name distortions, yes, it is on purpose--big companies have hungry lawyers here and they can sue anyone for being compared negatively against competitors, even indirectly!). But Romania is no US, so do NOT expect the same thing from the "big name" guys even if they are familiar to you. Eventually I found out about Primarent and gave them a try in 2006. I have been renting only from them since that time and I never expect that to change. Not because they are perfect, but simply because they give me the best bang for the buck and that is my bottom line when dealing with car rental companies.

  • Mihail Lupu

    Mihail Lupu


    Rapizi,amabili,intelegatori,masina a fost ok,curata,fara probleme tehnice.Nu sunt atat de exigenti ca celelalte firme.O sa mai apelez la ei.

  • Phil Rice

    Phil Rice


    Rented a 2015 Dacia Lodgy with 7 seats for a very reasonable price. They had me go to the car wash to wait for the car because it was turned in too late the day before. Otherwise I would give them a 5 star.

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