ClassicRentAuto - Rent a Car services - Old Town Bucharest i București

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RumænienClassicRentAuto - Rent a Car services - Old Town Bucharest



🕗 åbningstider

nr.47, Strada Lipscani, 031067, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumunia
kontakter telefon: +40 744 223 708
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.431918, Longitude: 26.1011971

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alexa All


    Thank you! We had the best experience with Clasic Rent! Personnel was helpful & prompt and the car we were offered was in great condition and surprisingly clean!! Definitely recommend! :)




    Experiencia increíble. Coches en muy buen estado, limpios. Excelentes servicios del equipo ClassicRent. Muy recomendable, pensando en volver y contratar de nuevo. Muchas gracias a todos por un servicio amable y rápido!

  • Riccardo Rosati

    Riccardo Rosati


    Personale gentile e molto disponibile, ci hanno fornito informazioni precise e sono stati molto rapidi nella compilazione dei documenti necessari. L'auto era in perfette condizioni e le gomme termiche erano perfette, non abbiamo avuto problemi nonostante la neve. In un giorno siamo stati in Transilvania e siamo tornati. L'autonoleggio è molto economico e comodo vista la posizione centrale e l'ufficio del turismo. Consigliato!

  • en

    Dorota Papla


    I recommend the company to everybody who wants professional and good service! The contact was great and each employee was very helpful and nice to us (two foreigners trying to explore Romania). We got hints on where to go and what is worth visiting. All our questions were ansewered right away. The pick up and drop off were in a place suitable for us (without any extra charges). That wass a great advantage, because we didn't know the city and we got the car close to our place of stay:) They are very punctual and troublefree. The prices of the cars are not excessive at all. If you ever go to Romania and want to rent a car to sightsee this beautiful country don't hesitate to use the services of Classic Rent Auto!

  • ro

    Anca David


    La Classic Rent Auto am cunoscut oameni care sunt orientati catre nevoile clientilor, am avut parte de promptitudine, mi s-a livrat masina la adresa specificata, la un pret accesibil. Raportul calitate pret este foarte bun. Recomand cu incredere :)

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