Wine Bar 1000 de Chipuri i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienWine Bar 1000 de Chipuri



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17, Strada 11 Iunie, 040171, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 31 436 8809
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Latitude: 44.4228706, Longitude: 26.0961053

kommentar 5

  • Costin Bociu

    Costin Bociu


    Good wine selection, quiet

  • Iulia Pintrijal

    Iulia Pintrijal


    Lovely atmosphere, lovely wine, lovely owners and service.

  • en

    Kenneth Khuu


    EDIT: Okay, so the wine tasting actually wasn't free. I still highly recommend this place as they were incredibly friendly and helpful. Romanian Post gave me the runaround and wanted over 100 lei to ship a bottle back home so I came back to return the wine bottle not really expecting it to be accepted. The men working there called the owner and were more than happy to help me out. This place is a must go in Bucharest! Came by for a quick glass of wine. Bartender recommended me a Romanian wine and it was very good (I'm not a wine person at all). The owner came down and described all of the different wines to me while I tasted 3 other wines. Ended up buying a bottle of the Romanian wine and had the glasses of wine waived. Would recommend!

  • Eduard Popescu

    Eduard Popescu


    Very good wine! Well done guys!

  • en

    Cristian Dumitru


    Great place! They have good prices for the wine bottles and a few options for the wine at glass. For a quick visit you must try a glass of Merlot, is very good.

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