Muzeul Holocaustului i București

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RumænienMuzeul Holocaustului



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11, Strada Vasile Adamache, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumunia
kontakter telefon: +40 787 584 104
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Latitude: 44.4295862, Longitude: 26.1084013

kommentar 5

  • Jakub Valenta

    Jakub Valenta


    Situated in a former synagogue it is rather well taken care of (even though the immediate neighbouring us not very nice or respectful to this historic building). The entrance is free, you are just asked for donation if you feel like. Old lady who works there as a chashier and guide took care of us and gave us a tour (there was very few visitors) and told us about the history if jews in Romania. Overall worth visiting.

  • ro

    Jurubita Mariana


    Chin si groaza! Durere si neputință! Si după atâția ani știind atrocitățile numai din hârtii, te îngrozești, dar sa fi trecut prin ele?

  • en



    This is a must see place to go if you are interested in the history of Bucharest. Yes, this museum is focused on the Holocaust and the Jewish people of Romania, but one can not honestly look at the totality of Romanian history and exclude the horrors of the Holocaust and the life of Jewish people in Romania. How did the fascists become so sinister in their twisting of truth to deceive the Romanian People from their sense of community to allow these horrors to occur. Likewise, how was it possible for such young man, King Michael of Romania, to put his life at risk when he realized "the great deception" and create a coalition against the Fascists and thus help to liberate Jews from the camps by at least one year earlier. This is a history that is replete with the worst of humanity and the best of the human spirit. Also, the people who work here are delightful and eager to share the museum. Their staff include writers, historians and local people who care about this special place.

  • ro

    R Gabi


    Loc încărcat de istorie și de sacrificiile unor "condamnati"pentru faptul ca aparțineau unei etnii "învinovățite" doar de apartenența Un loc în care istoria Îți aduce aminte ca ea nu.trebuie repetata și ca"somnul rațiuni zâmbește monstri"

  • iw

    erez karni


    במקום ניתן לטעום את השואה שעברה על יהודי רומניה. צילומי מסמכים, קטעי עיתונות ותמונות של התקופה. הכניסה היתה בחינם (אולי בגלל שהמקום היה בשיפוצים) אך כדאי ורצוי לתרום במקום.

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