LadyFIT i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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35, Strada Bărăției, 030197, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumænien
kontakter telefon: +40 726 438 348
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.4303447, Longitude: 26.1048394

kommentar 5

  • Mihaela Grigore

    Mihaela Grigore


    Very good selection of training programs and great trainers !

  • Diana Felicia

    Diana Felicia


    One of the best gyms in Bucharest. Totally recommend going at Dalanda and Oana's classes. Also Marcela is the person for a nice yoga session.

  • Mariana Petrea

    Mariana Petrea


    Locatie super și antrenoare faine!

  • en

    Laura Spinu


    I purchased a monthly pass for unlimited classes when I spent my vacation in Romania and it turned out to be the BEST thing I did all summer! I loved almost everything about this gym, starting with the fact that it is only for women. Other than the super convenient location, I enjoyed the variety of classes offered and the professionalism of the trainers. My favorites were Paula, Diana, and Oana as they were not only knowledgeable and inspiring, but also friendly and particularly sensitive to the different needs/abilities of the participants. Some words of caution: (1) evening classes and the locker room can get quite crowded; (2) I did not find the intensity levels as fine-grained as the website suggests but I personally did not mind that (there is still a clear difference between beginner and intermediate classes). Also, (3) electronic scanning of membership cards without having to leave them at the front desk would make for smoother check-in/check-out during the busier times. I very much appreciated that there was free drinking water available - a real life-saver when I forgot my water bottle at home. I've worked out at several gyms downtown Bucharest and this is by far my #1. Looking forward to my next visit!

  • ciobanu vali irina

    ciobanu vali irina


    E super fain la LadyFit! Toată lumea zâmbește și te pune la treabă :))

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