Kral Cami King's Mosque i Constanța

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RumænienKral Cami King's Mosque


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1, Strada Crângului, Constanța, Municipiul Constanța, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 241 611 390
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.1733211, Longitude: 28.6597202

kommentar 5

  • Okan Byilmaz

    Okan Byilmaz


    A must see place, the view from minaret is awesome

  • Dimitry Marin

    Dimitry Marin


    One of the best looking old building here!

  • en

    Ionel Mirescu


    A must see tomis harbour from minaret. One of the best view of see old harbour, new commercial harbour and the colourful home's roofs of Constanța houses.

  • Cristian Vancea

    Cristian Vancea


    Nice old mosque Situated in the old center of Constanta, the building was raised at the bequining of the 20 century.Inside you can see the bigest and havyest carpet in Romania, and you can not miss the great 360 view of the harbor area form the top of the minaret.

  • en

    Alexandru Mainea


    Recommend it. Go within the tower, cause it is the highest point view in the area. Nice view.

nærmeste Moske

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