Jack's Pub i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienJack's Pub



🕗 åbningstider

45, Strada Lipscani, 030032, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 756 110 085
internet side: www.jackspub.ro
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.4319507, Longitude: 26.101052

kommentar 5

  • Marius Mihai

    Marius Mihai


    An usual bar in Bucharest City Center, looking to attract the youth with music and beverages; a tad pricey for what it has to offer but still okay for those looking for a more... settled place

  • Melian N

    Melian N


    Best one around! Good food and drinks! Thx we had a great night

  • en

    Calvin Ma


    What ever you do, don't get the steak. It's tougher than woodpecker lips. I couldn't eat it. Hot chocolate was good.

  • Ioan Pintea

    Ioan Pintea


    Worst service ever, you get 200ml of wine instead of 400ml, no excuses or bill reduced

  • Alex Coman

    Alex Coman


    I was kicked out of my own party because security thought I did something I'd never even thought of doing. Completely unprofessional, will not return.

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