Gaal HairPlay i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienGaal HairPlay



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136, Calea Victoriei, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumænien
kontakter telefon: +40 741 593 127
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.441991, Longitude: 26.0972641

kommentar 5

  • ro

    SilviaP Puscasu


    Vreau sa recomand acest salon pentru toate serviciile, preturi corecte ,servicii de calitate . Best salon in town !




    Two amaizing places, the one in George Enescu is offering the best massage in Bucharest and in calea Victoriei is a very fancy salon with a great young team . Always be back for you guys !

  • en

    Golan Golan


    This is my favorite place to be ! I return everytime with pleasure . They take care of my hair and my nails with professionalism . People are verry kind and you will feel like home . I love both salons . The one from calea victoriei is spacious, full of light and welcoming salon you will feel awsome. And the other one is situated in george enescu and i can say that i love that place ! It’s the place where you can relax drinking a tea ( a verry good one ) and of course to make a massage, they are many types and you can choose one ( or many more )at a verry good price !! That girl from bali it’s absolutly amazing ! You will love the place and the team ! Also there you can make nails and hair and cosmetic treatments. So, i love you guys . See you next time , be sure of that !

  • Roxana Luca

    Roxana Luca


    Sunteti extraordinari ! Vin la voi de atata timp si de fiecare data ma simt minunat. Tratamentele faciale sunt cu rezultate vizibile din prima sedinta si modul de abordare al fetei de la cosmetica este de departe cel mai profesional intalnit de mine pana acum. Felicitari,meritati 5 stele plus ! See you again

  • ro

    Andra Plugarasu


    Recomand unghiile cu gel si orice schimbare de culoare a parului. Tot ce mi-am dorit au reușit să realizeze ,preturile sunt corecte ,sunt clienta salonului de peste 10 ani si sunt sigura ca nu am sa-i schimb vreodată.

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