Fabrica de Mâncare i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienFabrica de Mâncare



🕗 åbningstider

31, Bulevardul Unirii, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumunia
kontakter telefon: +40
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.4270655, Longitude: 26.1059102

kommentar 5

  • Georgescu Cristian

    Georgescu Cristian


    Very Nice place with great food. It smells like home made! We ate for €7 two persons. The only thing that I can point badly is that personnel is handling the groceries and raw materials same door as clients.

  • Kelrasion Revukra

    Kelrasion Revukra


    Cafeterias like this are quite of a rarity. I say this because most of them look like they are straight out of a prison. This one is one of the very few that is modern, well mentioned, with a lot of professional staff and a nice atmosphere. The process aren't amazing, not being pricey nor to cheap. The food variety is rich, having everything you need to go through the day. They are also a more healthier option than the fast foods nearby!

  • Dan Baroiu

    Dan Baroiu


    Curat, elegant, servire rapidă, sortimentatie variată. Singura problemă o reprezintă calitatea materiilor prime folosite, de la legumele pentru mâncare până la zahărul pentru deserturi... Spre exemplu, mâncarea de conopidă e făcută din legume la pungă congelate, doar un pic încălzite... Eclerul doar esențe, nu te puteai atinge de el... Sau poate sunt eu prea pretențios, dar am mâncat in locații dubioase mâncăruri comestibile sau chiar gustoase.

  • Alex Coman

    Alex Coman


    A really nice place just by Unirii Square. My girlfriend and I were walking by and it caught our attention at the same time, so we decided to take it as a sign and go inside. For ~€9 in total, both of us had a really satisfying lunch. If you can, get the table by the window. If it's sunny outside, you're in for a treat. 😁

  • ka pe

    ka pe


    Obsługa pracuje tu za karę. Brak pomocy z ich strony. Wszyscy mają tu wagę "na oko". Nigdy nie wiesz ile zapłacisz. Jedzenie zimne i twarde. Nie polecam.

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