Exotique i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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96, Splaiul Unirii, 040038, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumanía
kontakter telefon: +40 21 316 8894
internet side: www.exotique.ro
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.417957, Longitude: 26.110779

kommentar 5

  • Marius Constantin Blandu

    Marius Constantin Blandu



  • ro

    Ionela TENU


    Excepțional, oameni deosebiți și obiecte minunate!!!

  • Cristina Gazner-Cristescu

    Cristina Gazner-Cristescu


    It is a wonderful place, like a magic corner of the Univers. Is full of history and kind, nice peple. The artefacts are unique and all the furniture is like in a farytale. I reccomand Showroom Exptique and Mrs Pusa Hack if you need some good quality furniture or interior design items. Is so wonderful here! I had the chance to celebrate my 2nd year Gala here and I was enchanted by this place.

  • Andreea C

    Andreea C


    A Bucharest hidden gem, this is the place to go for antique style and oriental furniture and decoration. It's pricy but each piece is unique. They also sell hardware and accessories if you're only looking for that special touch. It's worth a visit as they have more pieces in the showroom than displayed on their website.

  • Jennifer Hack

    Jennifer Hack


    Beautiful furniture, so much variety and great value for money!!

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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