Cocor i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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29-33, Bulevardul Ion C. Brătianu, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 21 313 9848
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.430297, Longitude: 26.1042385

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alex Calciu


    This place is dead inside. Most of the shops are closed. The ones that still survive don't have much to offer. The look of the place is depressing, light bulbs burnt out, floor dirty, escalators not working, no shoppers and so on. It is a very dissapointing experience. The only plus is the cheap and empty parking in the center of Bucharest, the rest is a disaster. I can't imagine how this place still exists in it's current state.

  • en

    Edit Lupu


    It's a department store structure sort of...there are several floors with individually owned shops, mostly clothes and shoes. In the basement there is a supermarket carrefour where you could get your basics. The prices are ok, similar to Unirea mall. They have escalators to reach the upper floors and there are public restrooms inside. It wasn't crowded at all so if you like shopping but dislike crowds this is definitely the place for you.

  • Yuri Radaelli

    Yuri Radaelli


    Super giant shopping center with H&M but a little 'for turists'. The first 3 floors are plenty of light, people, shops, but upstairs some floor are poor of light and like warehouse. A nice café on the top.

  • Veronica Wagner

    Veronica Wagner


    A great shoping mall, with Romanian fashion designers shops - big plus! Clean, central & professional staff! As a minus or things to improve: the parking acess! Stairs are very complicated, elevator is strange. I felt unsafe!

  • Alex Zeres

    Alex Zeres


    Romanian designers gallery, a super-mini :) market, a tattoo spot. The rest of the shops are not interesting.

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