ApartHotel Gutinului i Cluj-Napoca

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RumænienApartHotel Gutinului



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5, Strada Gutinului, 400000, Cluj-Napoca, Municipiul Cluj - Napoca, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 264 450 490
internet side: www.cazare-cluj.ro
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.764644, Longitude: 23.590344

kommentar 5

  • Ursu Andrei

    Ursu Andrei


    A very nice play to stay. Quiet and very comfy!

  • Madalina Mezaros

    Madalina Mezaros


    The bed was awful, couldn’t really rest. Very pricey for Cluj.

  • Polak Piotr

    Polak Piotr


    The ground floor room was very noisy, I could hear people opening the main door, stepping on the stairs and talking on the floor above me. There is a car park right in front of the main window separated with a wooden garden mesh - cars are parking literally 40 cm in front of the full height window - there is no privacy unless you fully cover the window with the curtain, especially at night when the lights are on (see the attached images). Also there was a disturbing powerful citrus scent in the room, most probably to cover odors from the bath tube. You should also know that the reception is in completely different place (you need to check-in in the other building located on another street, however you can leave the keys to the cleaning stuff on check-out). If you are travelling with a heavy luggage or plan to order breakfasts you should consider that.

  • Cezara Dragomir

    Cezara Dragomir


    Very nice apartment. The area is quiet and close to the Botanical Garden. The reception is at a different location, but we were informed about this in advance. The only "problem" that I had was that we were given only one key to the building and we were three people.

  • Sandra Primosch

    Sandra Primosch


    Stayed in the " Pământ" suite. It was very well furnished and comfortable. The breakfast was plentiful and the coffee was good. I'm giving it only 4/5 because it wasn't made clear that the check in location was at a separate location and after driving a long time to reach there, it wasn't a nice surprise to have to walk 10 mins to the reception location.

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