Angelo D'Oro i Ploiești

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienAngelo D'Oro


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9, Strada Maramureș, Ploiești, Municipiul Ploiești, RO România
kontakter telefon: +381 18 200761
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.9362066, Longitude: 26.0236932

kommentar 5

  • it

    Riccardo Giordano


    Lo sconsiglio a tutti

  • en

    William Lewis


    Fabulous rooms and really attentive staff.

  • en

    George Marinescu


    This hotel resides inside an old mansion, which gives a great atmosphere, overall, with nice, old looking decorations. However, the staff was a bit quirky, though, finally, helpful. There was a minor inconvenience - we asked for a room with two separate beds, were assured that that was the case, but when we entered the room, there was only one bed. Breakfast is rather limited. No elevator.

  • en

    Daniel L


    AC did not work. Lock did not work. The personel did not bother to fix these.

  • Ryan Mahar

    Ryan Mahar


    Stayed here for 2 weeks while in Ploesti and had an great time and received help well above and beyond my best expectations.

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