Alouette i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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19, Strada Bibescu Vodă, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumunia
kontakter telefon: +40 746 339 793
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.4252757, Longitude: 26.1023951

kommentar 5

  • Paulina Salwowska

    Paulina Salwowska


    The food is good and the interior design is nice and cozy. However, if you are a foreigner you can be sure that the tip will be included in the bill. It never happens when you are accompanied by Romanians and even the waiter confirmed that they add it only for foreigners.

  • Rahell S.Jibrail

    Rahell S.Jibrail


    A simple restaurant near Uniri Square, good for a couple of drinks, food nice but not great. Nice atmosphere.

  • ro

    Marian Soare


    Mancarea? Nu ma dat pe spate.Piept de pui cu sos gorgonzola fara nici o treaba cu gorgonzola. Penne al forno mediocre. Am avut de-a face cu 2 ospatari...unul slabut care a fost mitocan si unul mai corpolent super baiat.Concluzie nu as mai reveni.

  • Ema Cimpoesu

    Ema Cimpoesu


    The place is nice and the service is good. Don't expect the waiters to become your best friends, but they do what they are supposed to. From what I could see they have no problem accommodating several large groups at once, so that's a plus for them. Only 4 stars though because of the food. We had the burgers (both the turkey and the beef ones) and the meat patties were really dry. I would say average at best.

  • pl

    Marek Bednarz


    Dobre jedzenie. Otwarte do you have rana. Super rozwiązanie podczas nocnej wędrówki po pubach

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