Zoomserie în București




🕗 programul de lucru

23, Strada Sfânta Vineri, 030203, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 751 222 265
site-ul: www.zoomserie.ro
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.430048, Longitude: 26.107635

comentarii 5

  • Sinca Emil

    Sinca Emil


    Simply put : delicious place. And i'm not talking only about the cakes, which are as tasty as they look, but also the staff and the feel of the place. Affordable prices in a central location.

  • Mark Grigore

    Mark Grigore


    It's a nice, cozy place. Great desserts, a perfect place to spend time with friends. Music is strange from time to time, but otherwise great place. It's not too crowded and people are nice. Also, the cakes and food here are quite delicious.

  • Kelrasion Revukra

    Kelrasion Revukra


    In this city there are only a few places you can really call comfy and elegant. Sure, there are quite a numer of high class select ones that you can visit; but if you don't want to waste all your monthly salary on those; this is the next best thing and trust me... it's worth it. Zoomserie is one of those nice relaxing places that you can escspe from the rain and have a nice conversation with your partner. The prices are reasonable and this is one of the few places in Bucharest which offer water on the house. The employees are also friendly, polite and professional... something hard to come by in this city for some reason. Would recommend if you happen to stop by in the area.

  • en



    Best Coffee in Bucharest. Serrano Chocolate cake is proof of God's existence. The staff always has a good vibe. And, unlike other coffee/pastry shops in Bucharest that always play the same annoying techno music, Zoom has a deep curated music catalog that delights any music lover. The go-to spot when this New Yorker is in Bucharest.

  • en

    Ana-Maria Bratescu


    Best cakes ever. Great service, great atmosphere. Little high price, around 10-11 ron a cake but the water is on the house and the cakes are delicious.

cel mai apropiat Cafenea

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