Miau Cafe în București

RomâniaMiau Cafe



🕗 programul de lucru

7, Strada Între Gârle, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 723 379 551
site-ul: www.facebook.com
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.421555, Longitude: 26.1092419

comentarii 5

  • Alan Wong

    Alan Wong


    Cats. Coffee. What's not to love? Decent pricing. 15 lei (cash only) for a special coffee. Spend as much time as you want. I was here on Saturday morning and it was fairly quiet. Cats are friendly! It's hard to find though, the front door does not have the street. You have to go about 5 meters into an alley to get to the front door.

  • Charlotte Rijsberman

    Charlotte Rijsberman


    So. Many. Cats! I was in heaven... There are lots of different little seating areas with couches and chairs so you can try and coax the cats to you. They don't all enjoy human company, and some will tell you quite clearly to stop petting them, or else! They also offer a few hot drinks to enjoy while you admire the kings and queens of the cafe. I'd definitely come back.

  • Daniel-Marian Merezeanu

    Daniel-Marian Merezeanu


    Small and cozy place. You can enjoy different kinds of coffee, tea or refreshing lemonade here while watching or playing with the cats of the place. I enjoyed the visit here.

  • en

    Guy Moshkovitz


    This is not just a great cafe, nor a standard cat cafe - this is the best cafe AND cat cafe I've been to. The service was wonderful, the drinks were absolutely fantastic, and the whole place is beautiful. The cats (more than 10!) are as cute as they get, very friendly and sweet. Two adorable dogs welcomed us with love and it was funny to watch them play with one another while we were waiting for our hot chocolate, that tasted very rich and had a great reasonable price. While talking to the nice lady (who also helped us get a taxi later) we understood that the place was also kind of a cat shelter, and that all the cats and the dogs over there are available for adoption. In conclusion, it's a great place for any cat or dog lover, and I really recommend anyone who travel/live in Bucharest to pay it a visit.

  • George Ercus

    George Ercus


    The Drinks are very good and with natural ingredients, The cats there are not so friendly, they mostly ignore the clients so don't hope to have them in your lap, purring while you enjoy your drink. The most friendly is the dog :-)). You will enjoy the paintings on the walls, the very good drinks and you can also play some boardgames for free. We had a very good time there.

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