Simbio i București

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26, Strada Negustori, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 756 746 246
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Latitude: 44.4350707, Longitude: 26.1118922

kommentar 5

  • Alexandra Ghecenco

    Alexandra Ghecenco


    Cozy place outside of the busy old town but still close to public transportation. Yummy food. Special dinner menu available until 10PM. All day breakfast menu. Little garden in the back. Lovely old building, refurbished.

  • Aaron Israelson

    Aaron Israelson


    The food and the coffee is good. Cocktails are ambitious and the garden terrace is small but lovely on a sunny day. Do take a strall in the neighbourhood. Awesome old villas, one of the very best parts of Bucharest.

  • en

    Max Sothmann


    Amazing food for even better prices! Highly recommended to anyone looking for good and healthy food. I had the full.english breakfast and a smoothie which was more than enough for me :)

  • Matt Griffiths

    Matt Griffiths


    Wonderful place hidden away in a suburb of the city centre. We came here because of the reviews and we were not disappointed. The staff were very welcoming to us being non - Romanian speaking and the food was perfect. Highly recommended. Thank you Simbio for the best breakfast we had in Bucharest!

  • Andrei D.

    Andrei D.


    They have both a bar, and a restaurant. My review is currently only for the bar. Very cozy little place, with an all-day breakfast/brunch menu. I've had the eggs Benedict and French toast. The French toast wasn't really for me, not that it wasn't good, but just didn't hit my taste buds as I thought it would. The eggs Benedict, though, were amongst the best I've ever had. Highly recommend this place for a quick bite, date, or just in case you want a nice quiet place to serve a very tasty brunch. The price range isn't too high either, I paid 17 lei for the eggs, and around 17 for the French toast. They also serve burgers, which looked really good.

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