Big Ben Pub i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienBig Ben Pub


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2, Strada Șelari, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumunia
kontakter telefon: +40 756 110 089
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.4296506, Longitude: 26.1004549

kommentar 5

  • Andi Maximo

    Andi Maximo


    Mancarea nu e extraordinara, comenzile s au luat f greu in conditiile in care terasa era aproape goala.Am cerut meniurile dupa ceva timp, si a trebuit sa merg sa mai intreb odata sa le aduca.

  • Barbara Daniels

    Barbara Daniels


    ITS CASH ONLY WHENEVER THEY FEEL LIKE IT! Just like that they flat out told me their credit card machine was down! The food wasn’t even worth paying for... the service was cold, uninvited and straight rude and EXTREMELY SLOW!

  • Billy Watson

    Billy Watson


    Totally Nasty Food, Staff, Environment, Drinks, and the whole thing! I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO FIND ANOTHER PLACE! Don’t support this dive, they prefer cash and will play games when it’s time to pay that their credit card machine is down!!!! And they leave you trying to figure a way to find cash? BOYCOTT THIS DUMP!

  • maria daniela

    maria daniela


    Carne gumata si meniu saracacios. Nu au multe produse si nu au alimente mai 'nesofisticate'. Se fumeaza pe terasa semiacoperita. Atmosfera ok. Shoturi scumpe si fara urma de alcool in ele. Preturi mari.

  • gogu mishu

    gogu mishu


    Good food, good service, decent prices... strange atmosphere but.. The music mix goes from Latino to traditional Greek, pop and rock and... Anyway not a pub. But a good place to eat and go.

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