B Smart - Rent a Car i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienB Smart - Rent a Car



🕗 åbningstider

2, Bulevardul Dimitrie Cantemir, 040241, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumanía
kontakter telefon: +40 758 566 978
internet side: www.bsmart-rent.ro
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.425666, Longitude: 26.1031757

kommentar 5

  • ro

    Marius Drumea


    Simplu de ridicat si de returnat masina. Automobil de 15000 km, full option si fara probleme. Localizare centrala a biroului. Recomand si cu siguranta voi reveni!

  • ro

    Alexandru Mosteanu


    O experiență frumoasă , angajați model, mașini bune și functionale recomand cu mare drag.

  • en

    Flavian Manea


    Although I've forgotten to do the formalities in the mail description (to send copy of driver license ID and a copy of a personal identification document) to confirm the reservation the stuff was gentle enough to rent me a car on the second day of Christmas, which implied a real effort on their side because officially nobody was at the office. I can confirm that the user experience with the stuff was very good and the price for the rental was decent and the car was nice and clean, I truly recommend their services.

  • ro

    Serban Brebenel


    O experienta foarte buna: am fost sunat la 5 minute dupa ce am facut rezervarea online si am avut o comunicare excelenta pe parcursul perioadei de inchiriere (aproximativ 10 zile). Masini noi, personal f. ok! Voi mai folosi acest serviciu si in viitor.

  • en

    Alexandru Niculescu


    I have rented a car for one week in July. Their reservation system was very easy to use. The cars are new, clean and in good condition. Good value for money. I found their staff to be very helpful and friendly. I would definitely recommend their services.

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