Avis i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4, Bulevardul Nicolae Bălcescu, 010051, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumänien
kontakter telefon: +40 21 314 1837
internet side: www.avis.ro
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.437303, Longitude: 26.102482

kommentar 5

  • umberto pinoni

    umberto pinoni


    Personale gentile ed educato, macchina perfetta.

  • Marco Sartori

    Marco Sartori


    È andato tutto bene. Personale gentile e corretto.

  • Luciano Blancato

    Luciano Blancato


    personale cortese e disponibile! consegna della vettura TOP!

  • Vivien Badaut

    Vivien Badaut


    The car that I rented had a significant damage on the body of the car (a square hole near the right back wheel if I remember correctly) that was not very visible and was not reported during the initial check by the staff and that I did not spot either. When I returned the car, I was met by a very suspicious Avis representative that was quite frankly, borderline aggressive and accused me of being responsible of the damage and of lying to him in not reporting it. It then took a solid 10 minutes for him to finally come around and check the car history, where it was found that the damage was from a previous rental. Accusing me of dishonesty was insulting and I was too tired to react at the time, but I am frankly furious about the whole affair. This should never have happened in the first place if Avis had proper processes in place. All prior damages known of the personnel should be directly imputed on the rental agreement, whether or not it's spotted by staff or customer at the start of the rental. It's borderline a breach of trust, I'm wondering if it's not made on purpose to enable scamming weak customers into paying repairs for damages they did not commit. As you can imagine, I am not planing to use Avis services in Bucharest ever again.

  • en

    Sasha Irimescu


    Very good services! I had a great deal for a new car.

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