World Class în București

RomâniaWorld Class



🕗 programul de lucru

Splaiul Unirii 168, Complex Asmita Gardens, București, Romania
contacte telefon: +40 720 501 253
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.4073471, Longitude: 26.1247453

comentarii 5

  • en

    Ioana Tianu


    Great place to workout and relax, well equipped and clean. The spa is cosy and quiet, with three saunas, jacuzzy, warm chairs and pool. The staff is very helpful.

  • Cristian Bostan

    Cristian Bostan


    Nice gym, with most of the equipment you might need, clean and with nice trainers. The pool isn't very big, but the sauna and the jacuzzi complement the place.

  • en

    F Tanase


    Easily accessible, very good gym facilities, nice bar, but pretty bad pool. Pool is not clean, has lots of chlorine, and water is very hot which makes swim training difficult. Please fix this pool, clean water more often and keep temperature optimal for swimming, not the same as for the spa.

  • Romeo



    The pool is small and you have the feeling the ceiling is gonna collapse over your head. Last time I went there in December 2016, a couple of times, and the water was really dirty (the water felt like sand in the eyes) in the last days so I got a bacteria (Pseudomonas) in the ear. Other than that the gym is OK, showers, etc.. no issues. But we are never going back there. PS. You can see in the women's locker from outside. Beware!

  • John Antonios

    John Antonios


    A full gym in every sense of the word. It has all the body weight, cardio, and bodybuilding equipment you need in abundance. The gym is super clean and they stress on that element ... The staff and manager are super helpful and accommodate client's requests. They even have an in gym fruit cocktail and protein bar. Their massage therapy is also great and very convenient. The gym also features a pool and solarium. Highly recommend it

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