West City Hotel în Cluj-Napoca

RomâniaWest City Hotel


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🕗 programul de lucru

442, Strada Avram Iancu, 400445, Cluj-Napoca, Comuna Florești, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 264 501 820
site-ul: www.westcityhotel.ro
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 46.7509288, Longitude: 23.5209963

comentarii 5

  • en

    Andreea Braharu


    Clean, welcoming, friendly staff.

  • Tiberiu Pop

    Tiberiu Pop


    Nice location to stay if you are in Cluj fir business or for pleasure! Rich breakfast! Excellent wifi! Friendly stuff and very clean everythere (rooms, restaurant, restroom). Continue in the same way!

  • en

    Oltean Adrian


    Nice, clean rooms, big enough. Polite staff and decent breakfast. There is some noise because the hotel is next to the main road which goes from Floresti to Cluj, but the windows do a good job at isolating the noise, so it's decent.

  • Austin Tompkins

    Austin Tompkins


    AMAZING staff. I've never been surrounded by so many helpful, kind employees. Went out of their way every single day to help all of our huge group (we filled most of the hotel). If we return to Cluj we will stay here again, without a doubt.

  • Teshauna Brewer

    Teshauna Brewer


    I stayed here for seven days. As a visitor, some of the staff was nice but the ones that weren't were extremely rude and when this was bought to the attention of the front desk who asked "how was your stay here" she simple replied "that's just they way they are". The taxi service they used were abusive. The hotel maid never cleaned our room. The WiFi was horrible and spotty. The hallways were always dark although the hotel was full. The restaurant staff was extremely nice and that was the nicest part of our stay. The experience here contributes to the reason why I won't be coming back to Romania.

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