VIP Obsession i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienVIP Obsession



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16, Bulevardul Unirii, 040106, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 755 141 868
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.426524, Longitude: 26.098011

kommentar 5

  • Maoz Taganski

    Maoz Taganski


    I had the pleasure of staying with Giulia. She is very attentive and absolutely gorgeous. Giulia has the hands of an angel and her smile makes you relax immediately. I will most certainly make a repeat visit. She’s GREAT! Overall the saloon is very clean. Front desk is extremely sweet and helpful. The showers, sheets and towels are very clean. Thank you for an amazing stay Giulia and I will return again.

  • James Webb

    James Webb


    I ordered an erotic massage for the first time. Honestly, I'm just delighted! The girl is a real professional, she did everything very skillfully. She listened to my every desire. I really rested with my soul, and with the body. Next time I'll order a massage in four hands, I will certainly share my impressions.

  • Hans Fasteus

    Hans Fasteus


    This spring me and my wife spent some wonderful time in Bucharest. A very romantic city in Europe provoked us to try something new - erotic massage. We chose Couple Massage. Very sensual and exotic. It was a great experience for us as a couple. The masseuses were very professional and tactful. If you are nervous - don't be, it's very comfortable and refreshing. One of the best memories from our trip!

  • Nicholas Grandeau

    Nicholas Grandeau


    I recently visited Bucharest for a business trip. Following recommendation from a friend, I booked an erotic massage session with VIP Obsession. I knew from his recommendation that I would enjoy the experience but I had no idea how much. My masseuse was absolutely stunning and pulled out all the stops to ensure I got the most out of the time we had. Can't wait to come back to Bucharest and re-live the experience. Thank you VIP Obsession!

  • Maria Zacharonova

    Maria Zacharonova


    Together with my husband, I often get back late from meetings some of which run past midnight, so I love the fact VIP Obsession is open until the the early hours and that they always have a plethora of masseuse to choose from no matter the time. This is the real sensual massage with beautiful masseuses and attention to detail rarely found these days. A truly mind-blowing massage service, thank you VIP Obsession.

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