Urban Hairdressers i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienUrban Hairdressers



🕗 åbningstider

33, Strada Bărăției, 030195, București, Municipiul București, RO România
kontakter telefon: +40 731 224 666
internet side: www.urbanhairdressers.ro
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.430592, Longitude: 26.104445

kommentar 5

  • Ionel Diallo

    Ionel Diallo


    Je recommande ce salon a 100%. Ils font un travail de pro. Qualite et professionalisme

  • en

    Robert Diaconeasa


    The coolest place in town! Cool staff, cool vibe, cool team! 😍😍😍

  • Frank Lee

    Frank Lee


    Awesome cut and friendly staff. I'm very glad that the stylist Alex and staff speak English where I can try to express how I want the style to be. Well worth it and the location is very convenient as well!

  • Rebeca Stanca

    Rebeca Stanca


    My man always comes back looking like a million bucks, and he's been there many times. I went there with him once, and was offered coffee - I wasn't even a client but they were nice enough to try and accommodate me! The place looks cool, and the staff are friendly and speak English too. Just remember to always make reservations ahead of time.

  • Jaime Rodriguez

    Jaime Rodriguez


    While staying a Bucharest for an extended period of time for work I was in search of a place I could regularly go. I have most definitely found the place. It was a Friday afternoon and I was with 2 other coworkers. We didn't have an appointment or anything and walked in asking if they had time for us. They accepted us with enthusiasm and were very eager to work with us. As an English speaker I used a picture and briefly explained what I wanted and with that the barber was able to work his magic. I was more than satisfied with the result and will continue to come her for the remainder of my stay!

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