Underground Bucharest Vip Villa i București

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RumænienUnderground Bucharest Vip Villa



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9, Strada Vasile Lucaciu, 030691, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumunia
kontakter telefon: +40 729 606 605
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.430908, Longitude: 26.114078

kommentar 5

  • uk

    Иван Мымко


  • Dimitar Tenev

    Dimitar Tenev


    Perfect apartment for the price, good condition and location. But the neighbourhood is not so safe.

  • Ronen Cohen

    Ronen Cohen


    Overall a good place, had a nice stay with friends. The facilities are actually a bit older than seen in the photo. I would recommend this place.

  • Shlomo Yona

    Shlomo Yona


    We booked one place and 40-50 minutes before we arrived we got a message to go to another location as an "upgrade". The place was at Strada Parfumului 23A, București, Romania. Got apartment 10 at 3rd floor. We were 6: 2 adults and 4 kids. We were fairly happy with the place. Well equipped. Looks like new or newly renovated. The host was very kind, explained a lot including touring information and was available on whatsapp for us even at midnight. We got a parking space for our large van just at the gate. We got good value for our money and given our late reservation feel we got a good deal. The neighborhood is rather poor and scary and the new looking building really stands out compared to the neighborhood.

  • Joshua Lee

    Joshua Lee


    Amazing villa with plenty of space and even a jacuzzi! Conveniently located as it is a 10-minute walk from the bustling old town.

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