Trofic în București




🕗 programul de lucru

29, Strada Actor Ion Brezoianu, 010131, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumänien
contacte telefon: +40 751 276 600
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.4363216, Longitude: 26.0944538

comentarii 5

  • Carmen Bulzania

    Carmen Bulzania


    Coffee is under extracted, sour taste. They need more training on what a good cup of coffee should taste like. Food was very good. Prices are outrageous. Service is slow and people working here have no concept of politeness, you don’t get greeted walking in and standing at the counter for minutes when no one is there still doesn’t get you a attention. I felt like I had to beg for service. Menu is written on the wall and not clear on food items. No idea on calorie counts or intake.

  • Alexandru Ciupitu

    Alexandru Ciupitu


    If you want a nice healthy choice for breakfast, I urge you to try this small place. Not many seats. Try the sweet stuff too.

  • Mircea Badiu

    Mircea Badiu


    Great food, great value, great coffee. One of the best breakfast & brunch places in the city. They serve toasts, salads, sandwiches and eggs, alongside several homemade desserts.

  • en

    Luka Rene Tomislav Zivkovic


    Excellent brunch/lunch food and desserts. Not talking about the great coffee that they provide too. I am so happy to live 40seconds away from this place. My wallet less...

  • en

    Cristian Hosu


    If you're going for the coffee, it's an excellent place with very friendly staff and they definitely know what they're doing. If you want food, then you'll probably want to eat somewhere else and then come back here for coffee. The food is okay, but it's just that... Just okay... For a brunch it's okay, but don't expect to be overwhelmed by the food. 5 stars for the staff and the coffee

cel mai apropiat Cafenea

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