The Coral Temple i București

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RumænienThe Coral Temple


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9, Strada Sfânta Vineri, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40
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Latitude: 44.4310135, Longitude: 26.1067198

kommentar 5

  • Janice Martin

    Janice Martin


    Beautifully restored synagogue in Bucharest's old town. The resident manager gave us a very fastly-spoken history of the building and rebuilding of this Jewish Ashkenazi Orthodox temple which is still in use.

  • Diana M.

    Diana M.


    A beautifull historical place, very well maintained. There is a guide that will tell you the history of this place, the history of jewish people and the history of some very know religions. This place is guarded and can be visited only at some hours.

  • Adrian van Breda

    Adrian van Breda


    Excellent talk about this beautiful temple by a man who grew up here and clearly has a deep love for and knowledge of the building. Costs 10LEI to get in, which is very reasonable, and you can take photos after the tour. Well worth the visit!

  • SB Vlogs

    SB Vlogs


    You have to take ghe tour of the place. It will set you 10 lei, about 2 euros/$. But is well worth it. Seen as one of the nicest and well kept Sinaqogues in the world.

  • Jor MR

    Jor MR


    The ashkenazi synagogue is very very beautiful. The guide had a lot of information and spoke many languages. It is sad that a lot of Jewish historical places are being lost due to the lack of funds and tourism so please, don't think it twice and visit. The price to enter is 10 lei.

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