Sarmis Hotel în Deva

RomâniaSarmis Hotel


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Strada Mareșal Averescu, Deva, Municipiul Deva, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 254 214 731
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 45.8782172, Longitude: 22.9045117

comentarii 5

  • Bolda Sebastian

    Bolda Sebastian


    In short, communism nostalgia. This hotel is complicated to review. Polite and helpful staff, 24h reception, moderate cleanliness. The hotel is relic of the communism era, it has a fair amount of communist feeling combined with modern approaches. The rooms at a glance seem clean, however, if you look close enough, you can find the cleanliness lacks in certain areas. They have strange management decisions, like no minibar at the 4th floor although the fridge is there (but empty). The breakfast, unlike Booking suggests, is not that great. If you get lucky enough to get a room when the occupation grade is high, you will get a buffet style breakfast. If not, you have to order. The quality of the food is also a bag of mixed feelings. The bread is horrible, they mistaken a soft drink for real orange juice (only orange where available during my stay there, about 4-5 nights over a period of 4 months, so the practice is constant), coffee is strange. The cooked food is ok. Jam, butter and meat products such as sausages and ham are ok. Occasionally you can hear arguments from the kitchen or down the hallway, I understood that a manager has some anger management issues and seems not to give a damn about the comfort of the guests. Overall, it`s neither a bad hotel, neither a good one but it is an interesting experience.

  • Serban Constantin

    Serban Constantin


    Old communist hotel which didn't get a makeover. The staff is friendly, but the rooms aren't that large and the included breakfast is not very good or varied. Considering the price it's not worth it.

  • Tatiana Cojocari

    Tatiana Cojocari


    Not the kind of place were you can relax. Despite the fact that staff is friendly, the service and facilities are lacking.

  • peter gheorghiu

    peter gheorghiu


    Clean great price

  • Rene Apack

    Rene Apack


    Great staff. Older hotel. Bad WiFi in the room. Great WiFi in lobby

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