Royal Accommodation în București

RomâniaRoyal Accommodation



🕗 programul de lucru

Lunideschis 24 de ore
Marțideschis 24 de ore
Miercurideschis 24 de ore
Joideschis 24 de ore
Vinerideschis 24 de ore
Sâmbătădeschis 24 de ore
Duminicădeschis 24 de ore
11, Strada Vasile Lucaciu, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO România
contacte telefon: +40 729 606 605
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.4309764, Longitude: 26.1141937

comentarii 4

  • Konio Krad

    Konio Krad


    Wspaniała oaza w miejskiej dżungli Budapesztu. W sam raz na odpoczynek i zebranie energii na dalsze wojaże

  • ro

    Eduard P


  • John Doe

    John Doe


  • Robert Noble

    Robert Noble


    Greetings fellow travelers. I want to share an experience my family and I had with this group of flat owners. The address here, is not the address of any flat rentals. This group of flat owners meet you and whisk you away to an apartment. Should you prepay, you are in for a real shock (good-luck recouping your money). This 'company', allocates a great deal of advertising monies to the various online booking platforms, so if you are looking for a complete/accurate review of this company; you are not going to find it. The booking platforms do not allow a review in the case that a company cannot fulfill their end of the deal. Instead, the reviews you are reading are missing stories like ours; thus do not give a complete profile of the properties/operations of 'Royal Accommodation'. This "company" is simply some owners renting apartments for 500-700% above the local rate. I'm all for paying for a legitimate service, but this is a scam to unsuspecting travelers. Choose another accommodation, because this one has limited "Royal" accommodations. From my own personal experience, I suggest a place called the Prince Hotel/Prince Residence. You get the exact same flats (within the same block near the center, plus full services and amenities), but you pay 20% less than what you would pay 'Royal Accommodation". I cannot express (in short detail) as to the negligence/damages this 'organization' has caused my wife, daughter and self. In the marketing business, I recognize that there is no such thing as bad publicity; but hope that my review helps those looking for appropriate accommodation. Look anywhere else, but try to avoid booking with Royal Accommodation. Also, watch out for names that resemble "Eduardo, Edward and Florin D".. They promote themselves under other names, but I have a child and this is about all the time I can devote to this review. I will have to file suit against them, through the Romanian courts, to recoup our financial losses. With this written, we hope your travels bring delight and adventure, rather than horror stories like this one. Robert

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