Romanian Craft Beer Bar în București

RomâniaRomanian Craft Beer Bar



🕗 programul de lucru

91, 93, Calea Victoriei, 010091, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 770 550 234
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.442846, Longitude: 26.093325

comentarii 5

  • en

    Rachel Yapp


    Excellent beer selection and they also have some Romanian brandies available to try. You can get beer flights here (150ml pours). Not the cheapest, but if you enjoy craft beer, this is a must stop. All beers on tap were Romanian so a great opportunity to sample local stuff. Didn’t eat here but they serve food too. Friendly and prompt service. Visited during an afternoon so unsure how the atmosphere changes in the evening.

  • en

    Sissy Van der Aa


    We had a sampler, which basically means you get to try out 4 beers of your choosing. Excellent variety with plenty of local brews. Friendly staff, good vibe, clean toilets, plenty of space and you can pay by card and have tasty snacks. What's not to like? Had a great time here!

  • Valentin Ionascu

    Valentin Ionascu


    Nice place. Good beer. Good food but not that many choices. Bad chairs

  • HS



    we actually came here a few times on our visit to Romania and loved it each time. The beer is all great (although, don't try to go to the brewery way out in the countryside) enjoy it here, instead! We also managed to get through most of the food menu, minus a few items - and they were all tasty!

  • Alexandra Zaharia

    Alexandra Zaharia


    The beers are quite good (I loved the Morning Glory IPA), the bar looks very nice and cozy with its industrial style interior. The serving could have been better though (it took quite a lot, they got 1 beer wrong and forgot to bring some of the things we asked), but overall the staff is friendly. It's a great place to try out local beers, from Romanian microbreweries.

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