Restaurant Taj în București

RomâniaRestaurant Taj



🕗 programul de lucru

127-131, Calea 13 Septembrie, 061344, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 21 410 1820
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.422963, Longitude: 26.074095

comentarii 5

  • Mihai Barsan

    Mihai Barsan


    Very good food and a nice cozy atmosphere. The curry was spicy and the rice was perfect. All in all a good experience, would definitely come back again.

  • Bogdan Grama

    Bogdan Grama


    Best place in Bucharest for indian food. Also very nice personnel in there.

  • Em Flow

    Em Flow


    No complaints about the food; it's very delicious and full of aroma and spices! I am an occasional goer to the all you can eat event where food varies and there is plenty of it. Sometimes there is live music with violin and/ or piano and singing. The price used to be 70 lei which they still advertise on the website but recently I was told on the phone that it has gone up to 80 lei because the ingredients and everything are now more expensive. There is one small thing that bothers me and I'm sure no one ever thought about mentioning it: the toilet seat. Being in a downward angle it takes forever to place paper on it to sit there as no one is going to sit directly on it. Also the cubicle door has no key. I reckon they won't fix this as it would not be in their interest unless they really are generous with the food and they don't care just about the ratings.

  • Yan Kostadinov

    Yan Kostadinov


    Restaurant doesn't look all that good from the outside and the orders take close to an hour to be ready (even if the place is not busy) but the food is actually delicious, the inside looks nice and the prices are reasonable. The bathrooms are also top-notch (something that gets overlooked at most restaurants).

  • radu moldovan

    radu moldovan


    5 star food, unable to define in stars the location. It is...eclectic :). But the staff is really warm, great cooking experience if you are into indian food, also a good selection of wine. Great deserts and really authentic tasting curries

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