Pizza Hut în București

RomâniaPizza Hut



🕗 programul de lucru

5, Calea Dorobanți, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 740 121 901
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.446785, Longitude: 26.0987327

comentarii 5

  • en

    majormajor majormajorcatch22


    Today it took me 20minutes just to make an order (sitting outside on terace), service really bad. Food ok.

  • en

    Radu Niculae


    "The Great Experience" pizza hut I would not recommend it unless you are really hungry. Even so, be prepared to deal politely with dirty plates, cultivate your patience around 45-50 min and enjoy your cold pizza. So be cool and pay the bill. That's the ONLY relation with the Pizza Hut brand.

  • Andrei-Cristian Procaru

    Andrei-Cristian Procaru


    I have been a customer in this restaurant since the late '90s. Never I have been treated in such a manner like yesterday, April 13th. We were 2 persons and we ordered 1 burger and pasta. The pasta has been brought to our table after more than 30 minutes and the restaurant was not full at all. As for the burger, the waiter told us that the bread was over fried and had to make another one. Eventualy the burger was served after 50 minutes while other people that came after us and ordered the same thing were served before us. We rejected the burger. After such a long delay we should have been offered atleast a discount. We do not recommend this restaurant if you want to relax and have a good time.

  • en

    Andra-Irina Serbănescu


    They have a big variety of pizza, but also good burgers and the ribs look and taste delicious. It is a nice place for small groups, and child friendly. It is situated in the center of the city and it is usually a crowded spot.

  • Doru Mihalache

    Doru Mihalache


    A nice Pizza Hut joint next to ASE Bucharest, cool spot for students who want to take their lunch. They recently reorganized the place and looks more like a retro dinner joint from America, bringing something from that spirit to Romania. The staff is pretty nice and when is Summer you can take your order outside in their "garden". They have a variety in their menu from pizza to salads and burgers so you don't have to worry about not having the thing you like the most in the menu. A little advice, target their promotions at lunch with special prices menues or at dinner where they serve pasta at a special price. Also, they have on Monday "1+1 every medium pizza" or Tuesday "every little pizza 10 lei".

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