Oxford - Things Happen în Iași

RomâniaOxford - Things Happen



🕗 programul de lucru

64-66, Strada Sfântul Lazăr, 700049, Iași, Municipiul Iași, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 743 941 209
site-ul: www.oxfordpub.ro
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 47.154893, Longitude: 27.589641

comentarii 5

  • en

    Maggi L


    It's decent and is well located, in the Palas mall area. The dj plays nice songs, but has to listen more to the beats and learn to harmonise the transition and mix. Service is ok, not hyped, but not happy to have you as a customer either. It's a good place to get the groove on and move somewhere else after 1h.

  • Vasile-Bogdan Andrei

    Vasile-Bogdan Andrei


    Save the date: 7th of January 2017... Crapiest music ever. The dj have to practice some more on his skills and harmonic mixing. Even though the place was half empty, the waiter forced us to spend at least 300 Ron on drinks at the beginning of the night (that was at almost 11 o'clock). Until 1 am half of the people already left (maybe because of the music).

  • Andrei Verdes

    Andrei Verdes


    Awesome party place! The bartender is a great guy and the music it's really good!

  • Vlad Patras

    Vlad Patras


    Never been there for the night club, but it's open during the day as a restaurant and the food is quite good. The lighting is a bit dim though.

  • Tudor Amariei

    Tudor Amariei


    Good choice for a place to eat your lunch break and a great place for going out after work for a beer. Not that big of a variety but it helps if you're not that used to all the sorts of beers and drinks. And yeah, it has that rustic British pub aspect

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