No Limits i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienNo Limits


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7, Strada Tăbăcarilor, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumänien
kontakter telefon: +40
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.420615, Longitude: 26.108513

kommentar 2

  • Dustin Eiler

    Dustin Eiler


    Attended for a month of classes that cost me 200 lei (50usd) it was well worth it. I speak very little Romanian, but the instructors were quite patient with me during the circuit classes that happen Monday through Friday at 6pm and 7pm and Saturday at 11am. The gym can be a bit difficult to find as you need to enter the complex through a large gate off of Piata Bucur, after that take your first left and than the very next left. You'll see an open door with an arrow pointing up that says No Limits. It's the gym at the very top. Would highly recommend if you work out better in a class environment with clear instructions.

  • Gigi Ken

    Gigi Ken


    Not necessarily easiest access to the gym, but totally worth it. The trainers are great and always there to help. There is enough equipment for larger groups, and the training sessions are fun.

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