National Museum of Contemporary Art în Bucharest

RomâniaNational Museum of Contemporary Art



🕗 programul de lucru

Sector 5, Bucharest 030167, Romania
contacte telefon: +40
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.4281238, Longitude: 26.0865004

comentarii 5

  • Mihai Ciuta

    Mihai Ciuta


    The parking is creepy and in bad state. The whole location is not very welcoming although some exhibitions are worth visiting. And some sunsets are beautiful.

  • Sindija Balode

    Sindija Balode


    MNAC is a must see. It offers 5 floors filled with intriguing art, it's very cheap, and located in the largest communist building on Earth. Sold? 3 stars though.. first of all, there was loud construction work going on on the 5th floor. Stuff like that should be done outside of museum's working hours because it really does disturb the visitors. Second of all, the employees. They gave a feeling that the art displayed there is worthless, kind of 'why are you here and why are you looking at this'. Looked like they are enjoying following you and staring at you. Not sure what's going on with the employee training, but pretty impolite and unprofessional staff.

  • Liviu Olos

    Liviu Olos


    Very nice exhibitions. Huge exhibition halls. As it's in the same building as the parliament expect a security check, so if you go to an opening take this into consideration.

  • Simon R

    Simon R


    A place worth checking out when you visit the city more often or if you love contemporary art. Be sure to take a look at their website first to see what's on, sometimes it's a bit empty. The entrance is not the entrance of the parliament, although its the same building. You need a taxi drive around it to get there.

  • alex Paul

    alex Paul


    This Place is must in this city, shows and events are thoughtful and interesting Founded in 2001, the National Museum of Contemporary Art of Romania shaped itself as a living institution dedicated to exhibiting, researching and promoting Romanian contemporary art. Relocated inside the Palace of Parliament within the historically symbolic House of the People since 2004, the museum aims to present relevant names in Romanian and international art through a holistic approach to visual culture. Too bad its crammed in a government building with controlled access

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