Magic Club i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienMagic Club


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17, Strada Șelari, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 721 918 278
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Latitude: 44.4301494, Longitude: 26.1006067

kommentar 5

  • Cristian Ionut

    Cristian Ionut


    They are thiefes, they said is promotion to drink unlimited for 49 Ron, but is not true, after 2 shots girls ask u if u want to smoke a cigarette, and after u talk with her like 3 minutes....the bartman come with a offer like 70 euros to buy for her....and they want to pay orange not her job to dancing, why should I pay her for that? And they have same questions for all people ,like how old are u?,or u are from Bucharest?, and what clubs u like? And all more questions about Bucharest.... for me was worst experience ever I seen , I dont recommend this club ever....for a private dance is 2 hundred euros....omgis too expensive..for 3 minutes of dancing 😑😑 really sorry for some girls ,but 1 of them is so rude......

  • en



    Credit card fraud. Don’t go there and by all means don’t pay by card. They offer you free drinks, but they are getting you drunk, trying to steal your money. Polish mafia is paying probably a lot to Romanian police. Just don’t go!

  • en

    Kevin McKinnon


    Never go here! They offer free drinks for two hours for 50 Lei but the drinks are cut off the moment you refuse to buy a dancer a 100 Lei ($25) drink or a 300 Lei ($75) private dance for 10 minutes. Complete ripoff artists and the minute we asked the manager for our drinks she threw a complete fit.

  • Zader



    Tried to drug me took my money couldnt cancel be awere credit card fraud polandian mafia they are paying the police money

  • en

    Fine Lancashire


    Be careful financially - “free drinks” until a hostile and confrontational attitude by stafff later on. Strip bar maybe! RIP off geared to to “stream” and extrapulate money

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