Lyrdent i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bd. Cantemir Dimitrie, 17, Bucuresti-Sector 4, Bucuresti, 40243, București, Rumunia
kontakter telefon: +40 722 518 617
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.419919, Longitude: 26.105025

kommentar 5

  • ro

    Antoaneta Popescu


  • en

    Elena Musat


    I am so much pleased to review this dental studio. Due to too much working we had to split our treatments in many months and so we'been here at least 5 times for now. I have to say that Ms Ana Maria Mihalcea is an excellent doctor. She always had our interests first and my husband is really satisfied by her cures and cares. Same thing for the other doctor, Ms Ana Jugurt, who took care of my husband's root canal treatment. She did it so well that he was always ok after the treatment session. For the moment we're waiting for the definitive ceramic crowns. .. we choosed ceramic fused to zirconia ones as Ms Mihalcea suggested (due to much natural effects). Meantime my husband has temporary crowns and even if temporary it seems much than ok to us. We'll return later on with other comments in order to leave here the final result comments. For now I really do feel to recommend whole studio team and a special thank to Mr Dragos who supported us in all our amministrative practices. To be continued ... Elena & Marco

  • ro

    Roxana Simulescu


    O echipa minunata. Multumesc pentru tot!!

  • ro



    Amabilitate si profesionalism! Ma bucur ca am apelat la aceasta clinica. Un colectiv format din medici foarte buni si adevarati profesionisti.

  • Yaroslav Tcheskoyar

    Yaroslav Tcheskoyar


    Bad manners! Even if I was on time, they were always in delay! Not minutes, but hours! Very rude, very strange behavior from the dentist woman in charge and very aggressive behavior from the front desk clerk! Very poor customer service in all aspects! I would never recommend it! If you look for professional services, stay away from this place!

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