La Papile în București

RomâniaLa Papile



🕗 programul de lucru

2, Strada General Candiano Popescu, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumanía
contacte telefon: +40 723 727 453
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.417581, Longitude: 26.0966036

comentarii 5

  • Marius Mihai

    Marius Mihai


    A Greek-style bistro serving seafood and other beverages who tries to attract with its emplacement and atmosphere. The service could be faster and the personnel could smile a bit (or at least try to look more cheerful). Some beers or a champagne/wine from the wide offer will however cheer you, along with the not so unique dessert. Could be tried if another bistro is not available,but don't keep your hopes up...

  • en

    christophe cristi


    Some friends recommended me this place and I went to La Papile for a business dinner last week a table of 16 people. The reservation was made without worries by phone and in English. When we arrived, we were immediately directed to our table, servers were very friendly and courteous, with a good level of English. For starters we had tuna and salmon carpaccio , tuna and salmon tartar, burrata cheese, caprese salat, all fresh and excellent. For the main dish everyone has chosen a la carte. All the dishes arrived at the same time (and hot), which proves that in the kitchen the chef(s) know(s) how to organise, congratulations ! I had for my part made the choice of imperial shrimps , cooked perfectly and tasted extraordinary. All of my colleagues, whether they choose fish, pasta, or meat, have all been delighted by their dish, the service, and the atmosphere of this charming restaurant. The waiter's advice whether for the choice of dishes or wines were perfect. A big thank you to all the team of La Papile, by your professionalism you have gained new customers that evening.

  • Radu Nasui

    Radu Nasui


    Extrem de impresionat de design-ul interior, de servirea ireprosabila, de varietatea de peste proaspat si fructe de vinuri de toate soiurile, de preparatele gatite ireprosabil. Recomand si sigur ma voi intoarce!!!

  • en

    Serban Simona


    Authentic Italian cuisine (in Romania every place, makes pasta, but most make a Romanian version), at decent prices, mostly pasta and fish.

  • ro

    alex m.


    Mancarea e buna. Am luat dorada prajita si ton rosu la grill. Vinul f. bun (tenuta ulisse pecorino). Un pic cam scump. Dau rating mic pt nota gresita(umflata cu 60 lei). Bine totusi ca am primit scuze pt. greseala! :)

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