La Copac în București

RomâniaLa Copac



🕗 programul de lucru

23, Strada Pitar Moș, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumanía
contacte telefon: +40 31 434 0672
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.4433435, Longitude: 26.1007399

comentarii 5

  • M.M.B.



    The food is expensive. And I mean expensive even for a restaurant situated fairly central. It can be a hit or miss, depending on what you're having. It's not that the food is bad but that it could have more flavor, being so nicely colored with all the vegetables they use. The lunch menus suffer the most from this point of view: the soup is mostly water that tastes of the meat that they boiled in it and the second course is bland most of the time. Waiting time is long and the staff is not always on point. One time I payed for the meal and waited for 20 minutes for the change only to realize that the waitress didn't even cash in the check because she forgot. The terrace is quite nice in the summer, but that's about it with the good parts.

  • Victor Iriciuc

    Victor Iriciuc


    This is a very special place. The colors, the menu, the ambience. Everything in here is serene. It's as if you could feel nature's tranquility..."La copac" stands for "The tree". As the name suggests, the place evolves around a beautiful tree...the food is all natural and they have, maybe, the best smoothies in town. I dearly recommend it for anyone looking to charge their batteries.

  • Seba Bergero

    Seba Bergero


    Excelente lugar, muy buenos precios, abundantes platos y de buen sabor. El lugar es muy agradable y el ambiente perdecto

  • es

    Magdalena Ladrón de Guevara


    Buenos precios, un patio agradable para sentarse y comida rica.

  • es

    Vasile Vlasin


    De neocolit!

cel mai apropiat Restaurant

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