Jerry's Pizza i București

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RumænienJerry's Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

21, Bulevardul Nicolae Bălcescu, 010044, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumänien
kontakter telefon: +40 373 303 030
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.4385432, Longitude: 26.1004425

kommentar 5

  • ro

    Jurubita Mariana


    Este pizza cu cel mai bun gust si cele mai bune ingrediente. Bine coaptă, atât cat trebuie cu blat pufos si abundenta ingredientelor o fac sa fie SUPER PIZZA

  • J R 3

    J R 3


    I love Jerry's Pizza, their food is delicious, their service is great also, they get your order their really quickly.. can't beat the pizza for the price in Bucuresti.. I discovered them in January 2014 when I arrived in Bucuresti in a blizzard, really late at night and the hotel clerk suggested that I call Jerry's, and 15 min later they arrive on a Moped in a blizzard of all things, and that was the best pizza I ever ate in my life, so now when I arrive in Bucuresti and get to where ever I'm staying and get settled in, the first thing I do is order a Jerry's Pizza... They speak English but it's good to use their APP also, or order online.. I was amazed at how low the price is for a large pizza with all the toppings.. and when I say large, I mean LARGE.. Not Pizza Hut or Little Ceasers large.. I mean huge... You can't beat them lol..

  • Riv One

    Riv One


    Cea mai buna pizza si cele mai bune paste pe care le-am mancat!! Recomand. Au produse foarte gustoase!!!

  • Olga Rece

    Olga Rece


    Probably the best pizza in town. One can order from office/ home and get delivery or pick the pizza from the shop. Alternatively, order at the counter. It takes 20 minutes to get a whole fresh pizza. No slices to go.

  • Eliyahu Dejourayev

    Eliyahu Dejourayev


    We ordered a pizza delivery. The delivery was really fast even though it supposed to take 45 minutes it came in like 10 min. The thing is the the cheese was really really CHEAP.... No real mozzarella. Very low quality cheese. Moreover, the pizza itself was mediocre. The tomatoes were good the bread was thick and interesting but the olives and the cheese just ruined it.

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