Hyperclinic Medlife Union i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienHyperclinic Medlife Union



🕗 åbningstider

1, Strada Hans Cristian Andersen, 040289, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 21 9646
internet side: www.medlife.ro
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.424466, Longitude: 26.103218

kommentar 5

  • Ionut Alex

    Ionut Alex


    Dr. Marinescu Teohari Stefan - de evitat consultațiile la acest domn - sora mea a plătit 280 lei pentru o consultație - s-a prezentat cu rezultatele ultimelor doua seturi de analize făcute iar domnul doctor nu a făcut altceva decât să i recomande repetarea lor (repetarea analizelor de sânge presupune un cost suplimentar de 680 lei). In rest chef de vorba, abordand subiecte ce nu au legătură cu motivul pentru care pacientul plătește consultația...

  • Aga Tulejko

    Aga Tulejko


    Pros: location. Close to the old town. very meat and clean. The staff speaks English. The doctor I visited was great, explained me more about my condition than my GP. Generally recommending. :-) Cons: Almost impossible to call them from a foreign number. Tried calling landline from the website 30 times, no answer, used a correct prefix. The short number did not do the job as well. Not much cheaper than Ireland, still a bit cheaper. Still if you need to go to a dictor in Bucharest, it's worth it.:-)

  • en

    Gab T.


    Not far away from the public health system, and the "business" subscription plan starts seeming more and more useless. Downsides: - no soap in the bathroom (no disinfectant either); - no glasses for the water dispensers, they were being kept locked in the staff drawers and not given to patients; - the air conditioning wasn't working well in the waiting rooms; - extremely uncomfortable metal chairs in the waiting rooms (on the 4th floor, at least); - the floor reception wasn't functional, some nurse or the doctors just stepped out to see who else was waiting and called people in (even though we had previously scheduled appointments); - tiny, cramped and dated rooms and elevators; - neither the doctor nor the nurses I interacted with cared much about talking to you or explaining anything so the visit was rushed and extremely uncomfortable (having to go between the main reception and the nonfunctional floor reception a few times), plus the scolding attitude that too many people in hospitals seem to have from the very beginning. Upsides: - close to a subway exit and fairly easy to reach. A very uncomfortable experience overall, will most likely steer clear of this clinic in the future.

  • Mihai Tutu

    Mihai Tutu


    Good medical services at decent prices.

  • Florin Voicu

    Florin Voicu


    Good doctors, but as Medlife's main central Bucharest location, it always feels cramped and crowded. Really needs an extension of some kind and a larger-staffed Reception area.

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