Hunter Prince Castle & Dracula în Turda

RomâniaHunter Prince Castle & Dracula


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4/6, Strada Șterca Șuluțiu, 421012, Turda, Municipiul Turda, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 264 316 850
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 46.5725808, Longitude: 23.7873197

comentarii 5

  • en

    Michael o brien


    Lovely place . Well kept clean. Staff xlnt. Hope 2 b back there.

  • Bogdan Avadanei

    Bogdan Avadanei


    Excellent service, nice design, lovely patio. You feel wanted, you feel in a different time and place.

  • Stacy Papa

    Stacy Papa


    What A place to live! The atmosphere was brilliant the staff was really nice the service was excellent and the rooms omg words can’t describe them! I wish I could stay more

  • Diana Morea

    Diana Morea


    Fantastic! The food is very good and the ambiance and traditional woodwork is absolutely breathtaking! If you visit this area you just have to stop and eat at the hunter Prince! One of a kind experience!!!

  • beautifullace



    STAFF STOLE OUT OF MY SUITCASE! 250 lei was stolen from where it was hidden in my suitcase. The hotel called the police but suggested we misplaced it and accused us of not locking the door. (No we hadn't misplaced it and we always lock our room. Anyway who else would of been in there apart from the cleaner?!) We spoke to the police but did not pursue it because they wanted us to see a translator the next morning; the following day we had a 5 hour drive to the next part of our trip where we needed to be by 3pm so we had to leave it. Additionally, the police warned us if someone was suspected then we would have to go back to Romania for the trial; the cost of flights, loss of earnings, car hire, hotel fees and costs Of people caring for my pets would of been excessive. The hotel claims they gave us a free mini bar as compensation - they did not tell us this until check out so we had 2 bottles of water and an orange juice. What, 10, 15 lei for 250 stolen? They have informed me no one was found guilty so this thief is still working there.

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