Hotel Sud în Giurgiu

RomâniaHotel Sud


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nr. 3, Strada Tineretului, 080271, Giurgiu, Municipiul Giurgiu, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 346 100 505
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 43.9070311, Longitude: 25.9764441

comentarii 5

  • Tinta Bogdan

    Tinta Bogdan


    I think this hotel does not deserve 3 stars because the rooms that it has are very small, the matrresses are old, and the food is realy awfull.

  • Nick Dragomir

    Nick Dragomir


    The staff is friendly, food is good but the rooms need to be renovated.

  • Mihai Catalin

    Mihai Catalin


    A good hotel for travelers, has a good wi-fi signal wich is free. The beds are comfortable, and you can watch the local news on the old TV.

  • Radu Clapa

    Radu Clapa


    I am touring Europe for the past 4 months, stayed in dozens of hotels, but no-one, nowhere, denied me a safe place to keep my bike! Some hotels allow the bike in the room, others have a garage, others kept it in the lobby/basement or an office, but always somewhere safe and covered. This hotel told me the bike must stay outside... So I said goodbye! If you are traveling o bike, avoid this place! They really don't care for cyclists!

  • Trident HM

    Trident HM


    I was fortunate enough to stay here for 2 weeks. My findings? It is very clean. The bed was super comfortable. And the breakfast was incredibly good! The staff were very helpful and friendly. I really felt well cared for. This really felt like a 4 star hotel at a 3 star price. Some things I learned during my stay: The television turns on by pressing on the channel button on the remote instead of the power. The shaver plug in the bathroom is not actually a plug and you will not be able to plug anything into it (at least in my room). Pour a bit of water into the floor drain in the middle of the bathroom floor if it has not rained for a while to make sure the water in the trap has not evaporated (if experiencing any air quality problems). The restaurant food is really good value and high quality. I really recommend trying it.

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