Hotel Phoenicia Express în București

RomâniaHotel Phoenicia Express



🕗 programul de lucru

Lunideschis 24 de ore
Marțideschis 24 de ore
Miercurideschis 24 de ore
Joideschis 24 de ore
Vinerideschis 24 de ore
Sâmbătădeschis 24 de ore
Duminicădeschis 24 de ore
Nr. 441-443, Șoseaua Odăii, 013606, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 31 413 7500
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.521896, Longitude: 26.030711

comentarii 5

  • en

    Tiago Neves


    It is far off our expectations. It is a hotel outside the city, but it is dirty and it smells like tobacco. The beds are bad. The only thing "vouching" for it is the breakfast. It is very delicious and has an incredible variety.

  • en

    Cristina Mills


    The rooms are not very clean, they smell like tobacco. For the price, it is not good. The breakfast is quite good though.

  • Anthony Laberge

    Anthony Laberge


    Really clean hotel with a good and perfectly bilingual staff. We enjoyed our stay and we appreciated working out and swimming at this hotel. About 20 min from city centre so it is a quiet place. Va multumim echipa Phoenicia!

  • en

    Razvan Miron


    Don't come here. It says it is a 4 star hotel but honestly I don't think it is even a 3 start

  • en



    It's a joke... Wifi like 15 years ago in mcdonalds, cold water, most things are broken in the bathroom, waiters during the breakfast are rude, the other restaurant is very expensive and the food is not so nice. Area around the "hotel" is a gypse ghetto - wild dogs, people sitting anywhere on the walksides, prostitution all around. The spa? Just a small pool by the night club.

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