Hotel NH Bucharest în București

RomâniaHotel NH Bucharest



🕗 programul de lucru

Lunideschis 24 de ore
Marțideschis 24 de ore
Miercurideschis 24 de ore
Joideschis 24 de ore
Vinerideschis 24 de ore
Sâmbătădeschis 24 de ore
Duminicădeschis 24 de ore
21, Bulevardul Mircea Vodă, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumænien
contacte telefon: +40 21 300 0545
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.4293592, Longitude: 26.1119266

comentarii 5

  • en

    Anis Metelet


    Had a faultless, 11-night stay with the most helpful, friendly staff imagineable I stayed at the hotel for 11 nights. Property is very nice, modern and comfortable. Location is great. But the staff are truly outstanding. The restaurant staff each morning were top-class. Food was great and service was most definitely brisk and with a smile. Thanks also to the great bar staff who always had time for a little friendly conversation in the evening after work. Overall - I haven't got a single bad word to say. Thank you everyone. Show less

  • Andreea Andreea

    Andreea Andreea


    If you are looking for a quiet hotel with lots of personal attention, this is the place for you. We were there during the snowy winter when there aren't hordes of tourists. This hotel is a bit out of the way, but it has other features to compensate for that. The breakfast is excellent and the reception was amazingly helpful- they even printed out google maps for us. We recommend Costy, the headwaiter for great service to the restaurant and pleasure. This hotel is also extremely clean and presents a five star feeling for a lot less money.

  • en

    Marius Barbuta


    Good choise and fine dinning! We had an impressive dinner in a wonderful place. Great dishes, good music and fine atmosphere. You can find a big selection of special beers and good wines. I recomend this place if you want to try something else.

  • Silvia Kozáková

    Silvia Kozáková


    Great hotel with really friendly and helpful staff. Delicious breakfast is the right thing for start of your day! Highly recommended!

  • pl



    W hotelu nocowaliśmy kilka dni z ubezpieczenia assistance, płatność bezgotówkowa ubezpieczalni.. W zasadzie pobyt przebiegł bez zakłóceń, poziom hotelu ok. Minus za wysokie ceny w restauracji oraz mimo, że płacił ubezpieczyciel, obsługa recepcji przy wyjeździe chciała ode mnie ponowną zapłatę. Na skutek tego bałaganu musiałem się dodatkowo tłumaczyć a nasz odjazd z hotelu się opóźnił. Dzieci musiały czekać w aucie, a każdy rodzić wie, że to jest trudne. Z tego powodu chyba bym już tam nie chciał wracać.

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