Galli, rôtisserie Française i București

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RumænienGalli, rôtisserie Française



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6-8 strada christian Tell, București 010384, Rumænien
kontakter telefon: +40 21 313 8230
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.444538, Longitude: 26.09429

kommentar 5

  • ro

    Natalia Gheorghe


    Pentru a savura la maxim preparatele, e indicat de ajuns la deschidere pe la 12h00, pentru a prinde totul fierbinte. Carnea este calitate inalta.

  • Alexandra-Gabriela Stanca

    Alexandra-Gabriela Stanca


    How could one not love this place? I've been here lots of times and I've always been pleasantly surprised. The people here are some of the nicest people, food tastes absolutely fantastic (especially the chicken salad and potatoes) and the design is really nice.

  • Rares Bratucu

    Rares Bratucu


    Been going to this place for a while and they always have the best sandwiches with fresh and delicious ingredients. For 16 lei, the price of an unhealthy and boring kebab, you can have any sandwich they have on the list. The staff is great and always helpful! Of course, you can eat roasted chicken or pork etc. Definitely check this out if you want to have a great lunch!

  • Claudia Dinu

    Claudia Dinu


    This place has that French bistro vibe. The owner is very friendly and helpful and the food is delicious. We ate some duck rotisserie with potatoes on the side. The meat was incredibly tasty.

  • Elena Dobre

    Elena Dobre


    Delicious sandwiches and a very fancy spot in the heart of the city. They offer good quality chicken meat. I am a vegetarian and enjoyed the 2 types of vegetarian sandwiches. The staff is very kind and they speak French, English and obviously Romanian. Cross the road and enjoy the architectural beauty of the Amzei church.

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