Gaia Boutique Club în București

RomâniaGaia Boutique Club



🕗 programul de lucru

Lunideschis 24 de ore
Marțideschis 24 de ore
Miercurideschis 24 de ore
Joideschis 24 de ore
Vinerideschis 24 de ore
Sâmbătădeschis 24 de ore
Duminicădeschis 24 de ore
1, Piața Presei Libere, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 723 610 933
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.4810295, Longitude: 26.071196

comentarii 5

  • ro

    Robert Pricope


    Câini vagabonzi periculoși lasati liberi

  • Bianca Alexandra Style

    Bianca Alexandra Style


    Muzica e foarte buna! Pacat ca nu se respecta clienții noi care chiar fac consumație!(2500lei)Personalul e foarte nepoliticos si pe lângă asta vin ei si iti spun ca vor tips...chiar atat tupeu dupa ce iti umilești clienții? mi-a lăsat un gust amar pe lângă faptul ca băutura e si exagerat de scumpa... păcat de muzica nu cred ca o sa mai vin curand!

  • Diana Kassas

    Diana Kassas


    This was the worst experience of my life in terms of clubbing. I never imagined that after visiting the whole world and going to the most famous clubs in Paris, Milan, New York, Geneva, Miami, Montreal, Ibiza, Dubai etc... that in Bucharest, my hometown something this insulting would happen. On Saturday 14th of February 2015 I went to Gaia Boutique, regardless of the fact that many of my high society friends had told me many bad things about it. I knew that one criterion in entering the club was how you are dressed, meaning -trendy, expensive, brand etc... I was with 6 friends it was about 3 A.M. when we arrived. I was dressed in a pair of golden brown Salvatore Ferragamo shoes with a golden brown Chanel purse, a black large dress like long blouse with lace made by a Romanian designer with a pair of black simple skinny pants... in my opinion and please correct me if I am wrong, I was dressed trendy, expensive and branded... 3 of my friends had already entered as they had arrived 5 minutes earlier; they got a table (a table in Gaia means minimum consummation of 800 Ron about 200 euros) and were waiting for us. As I am entering this club with my boyfriend and another friend who frequently goes to Gaia, I am stopped by a woman who looked like she was the cleaning lady of the club, age between 50-60 yrs. who sticks her hand in my face and says you’re not entering; management has just decided that entrance has "desist". I politely tell her that friends are waiting inside and that we have a table and she keeps repeating and screaming "entrance has desist". My boyfriend tries to talk to her and gently touches her hand, she starts screaming hysterically; "don't touch me, don't touch me", my boyfriend immediately removes his hand from hers, and the old brunet lady who either was under the influence of drugs or had a mental illness calls a bodyguard who comes to me and says "if I were you and I was told i can't enter I would have not asked any questions and I would have just exited and never come back, I advise you to do that now if you don't want trouble". I was shocked, none of us screamed or were disrespectful we just asked why only we cannot enter.... Our friends from inside, who are customers of this club every weekend, came to talk to the bad dressed and ill-tempered woman who was deciding who enters the club, to tell her that we truly have a table and that we all came together, then the bodyguard gets made and basically says get out or you will see… So we leave…. So because I love my Romania and my hometown Bucharest I advise tourists and people who are moving to Bucharest to avoid this wannabe posh club full of falseness, so they don’t get a bad impression of this beautiful cities night life, which trust me is better than many famous places in the world!

  • Chris Corben

    Chris Corben


    Very cool club. nice crowd of people...We enjoyed the night but they don't take card or at least they told that to us....apart from that very good.

  • Paul Hargrove

    Paul Hargrove


    Not really fair but they wouldn't let me in as my jeans were too baggy...

cel mai apropiat Club de noapte

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