FMN rent-a-car în Otopeni

RomâniaFMN rent-a-car



🕗 programul de lucru

Lunideschis 24 de ore
Marțideschis 24 de ore
Miercurideschis 24 de ore
Joideschis 24 de ore
Vinerideschis 24 de ore
Sâmbătădeschis 24 de ore
Duminicădeschis 24 de ore
291, Calea Bucureștilor, 075100, Otopeni, Orașul Otopeni, RO Rumænien
contacte telefon: +40 742 923 150
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.572331, Longitude: 26.069701

comentarii 5

  • ro

    Catalin Vicol


    Servicii prompte, profesionalism, corectitudine, masina impecabila, proces simplu de primire si predare a masinii, fara nici un fel de costuri ascunse. Oameni foarte deschisi, flexibili si amabili. Super multumit si incantat de experienta avuta. Recomand cu toata caldura.

  • ro

    Catalin Fenichiu


    Am inchiriat in perioada de Paste un Ford Focus pentru 17 zile de la FMN rent-a-car. Tot procesul a fost simplu si clar, iar nivelul ridicat al serviciului prestat de cei de la FMN mi-a depasit asteptarile. Masina primita era noua (45 de km la bord) iar baietii de la FMN sunt foarte amabili si dornici sa te ajute. Am primit un scaun de copil gratuit pentru intreaga perioada a inchirierii, am fost asteptat la aeroport la sosire si ulterior predarii autoturismului cei de la FMN m-au dus la terminalul de Plecari. Nu exista costuri ascunse iar preturile practicate de FMN sunt cele mai bune de pe piata (inainte de a alege sa inchiriez autoturismul am realizat o comparatie si cu celelalte companii de inchirieri). Garantia retinuta la inchiriere mi-a fost returnata la momentul predarii autoturismului. Sunt foarte multumit de serviciile oferite de FMN rent-a-car, felicit intreaga echipa pentru modul exemplar in care isi fac treaba si ii recomand cu incredere.

  • de

    Robert P


    Alles super. Aus meiner Sicht gibt es keinen Kritikpunkt. Die großen Autovermietungen könnten von FMN dazu lernen. Wir wurden am Flughafen persönlich empfangen und mussten nicht über 2 Stunden warten, wie es uns in so mancher westlichen Hauptstadt passiert ist. Das Auto war absolut in Ordnung.




    FMN has an excellent service quality! We are very satisfied! We have often been renting cars with them since 2016 and each time we liked: - The fast & simple online renting platform. - The 24/7 responsiveness & availability. - The professionalism & niceness. - The airport pickups. - The quality of the cars & their maintenance.

  • en

    D.J. A.


    Summary: 21 years old is the minimum age of driver, etc. Long, boring version: As you may see on their website for yourself, it asks for the youngest age of the driver. It says: "What's the age of the youngest driver? 18-25 or 25+ " I mistakenly understood this to mean that 18 and up could drive the car, but in the end it turns out that the minimum age is 21. So, I think it should say: "What's the age of the youngest driver? 21-25 or 25+ Also, I was trying to reserve a car and I would fill out the form, and then I would receive a confirmation e-mail saying that my request had been received, but a little later I would receive another e-mail saying that my request had been cancelled, without saying why or anything. I later heard from one of their representatives that this was due to the fact that they didn't have any vehicles available. I think this is very primitive. I think it should tell you right away on the site when you try to reserve the vehicle whether the vehicle is available or not and not have to wait for your reservation to be cancelled and then have to guess that it is because the vehicle is not available for that time period. (PS I will try to come back and visit their website and see if the problem is corrected, and if it is I will give them more stars like everybody else.) (PPS In regards to the false information in the answer below. I could add a copy of the email I received, but anybody can try it and see for themselves. The email I received (which I think is either a poorly programmed "robot" or a lazy employee) said nothing about no cars being unavailable, only that my reservation was cancelled. So, instead of posting false information, why don't you just correct the problem, and then I can delete this post, give you more stars as you probably deserve, and we can stop wasting time. ☺ I only posted the above review to try to save time for anyone who might be misled by the 18-25 which I feel should say 21-25...☺☺☺ January 2018 I just checked the website, (three months later) hoping to find the problem had been corrected so I could delete my comments, but it has not.

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