Easywash Timpuri Noi i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienEasywash Timpuri Noi



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16, Bulevardul Gheorghe Șincai, București, Municipiul București, RO România
kontakter telefon: +40 726 022 047
internet side: www.easywash.ro
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.415627, Longitude: 26.111025

kommentar 5

  • oscar zanoni

    oscar zanoni


    No detergent available. Be sure to bring your own.

  • Poprieteanu Vasili

    Poprieteanu Vasili


    Located in a basement, big load washing machines. Have an id to show to the door men. Bring your own washing powder. You are allowed to use liquid bleach

  • en

    Elliott Hale


    No English but easy enough to work out. Not the cheapest but decent machines and clean! Enter the building submit your ID go down the stairs near the lift. Tv, coffee etc

  • en

    Roy Haas


    Don't come without ID or passeport. The place is too small and just for students who live in the building. This is a student residence. This is not a "free" entrance you have to explain why you came for. Stupid old school Romanian stuff. No light to go down where machines are located.

  • Denis Trufin

    Denis Trufin


    Great laundromat (laundromats are not common in Romania) The building is the furthest to the left from the nearby Shop and Go. You have to give your passport to the clerk. The washers are fairly large and the dryer is massive. It could fit 2 loads from the washers in 1. Bring a few 5 Lei with you. The coin machine doesn't give back change. Washer is 10 Lei per load on normal and dryer is 5 Lei for 20 minutes.

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